November 2, 2010 by Jory · 1 Comment
Do you ever wonder why you are alive–who you are and what your purpose is in life? Do you feel as if you have nothing positive to give? Do you sometimes feel like giving up? In order to answer life’s biggest questions, Rhonda Darville boldly proclaims that first we have to understand who we are. We often hear that to pursue our future, we have to know our past. Rhonda takes that even further. She says we need to look at what we were created for and who we were created by. Through examination of the truths in her own life and ultimately the truths in Scripture, she has been able to help others fulfill their purpose. Rhonda has discovered that even though we may take significant detours, we can return to the path we were created for by returning to our Creator.
About Rhonda Darville
First and foremost, Rhonda is a follower of Jesus Christ. Originally from the Bahamas, she is a speaker, writer, and advocate for the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Lynchburg, Virginia, teaching young women who they are, what they were created for, and how they can make positive changes in their lifestyle.
Rhonda has served as a high school teacher and has been involved in women’s ministry and youth ministry for many years. Her work today is to inspire young women with the truth of who they are and to enable them to fulfill the plan God has for their lives. She seeks to bring glory to God through her story and through the work He has done in her life—work, she says, that only He could do.
Rhonda’s Coaching Suggestions
1) Seek God first. Find out who He is by reading Scripture and reflecting upon His creation.
2) Love others. Look into their hearts and discover the good they have to offer. Connect.
Rhonda’s Scripture for Today
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
To hear my interview with Jory follow the link below.
Matthew 16:15 speaks about going into the world and preaching the gospel to all of creation. I Am A Witness of the power of the Gospel to save lives, to redeem what was lost and the immeasurable grace available to those who choose to follow and accept Christ as their Savior. My personal story speaks of all these things but there is so much more. Come with me on this journey as I share my insights with you! May you be blessed!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
THE FIRING SQUAD How much do you have to hate someone to watch them confine themselves to a fiery eternity?
A young woman enters a church; she is known to have lived a life that is not pleasing to many in the church. A mother grabs her daughters by the hand and tells them,”you see that woman over there have nothing to do with her, she is a bad woman”; another mother grabs her son and says if you bring that kind of woman home, we will disown you. A group heading to Sunday school looks at each other and subtly close their ranks, concerned that she would want to be a part of their class. All day at the church, no one wanted to make contact with her eyes, no one asks her how she doing. THE FIRING SQUAD
Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 37When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house; she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, and she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.
39When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner." THE FIRING SQUAD
40Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you."
"Tell me, teacher," he said.
41"Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,[d] and the other fifty. 42Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?"
43Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled."
"You have judged correctly," Jesus said.
44Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet.
47Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."
I choose these words and this verse to give you a picture of my life. I am a wife and mother; I have been saved for many years in my life. I have been on staff at a few churches, I have taught Sunday school, I have instructed teens on right living and led small groups, I have been in the choir, and in other words I have been very involved in my church and the spreading of God’s word. But there is something else; you see I have been that woman in the verses above. I had committed many sins and would not allow anyone to know my sins because I was afraid of the firing squad. Remember I am actively involved in the church, I am accepted but I felt the same way the woman above felt. I felt small, I felt unworthy, I felt condemned, and I felt I had no voice. You see I was not able to have a “life more abundantly” because I was afraid.
You see I was afraid of judgment from the church just as the Pharisee (remember Pharisee’s were the leaders in the church) in the verses above was ready and did condemn the woman. "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner."
I am a sinner, but a sinner forgiven just like the woman in the verses above. You see my dirty laundry was that I had had not one but two abortions during my teenage years and because of that made many more mistakes/ sins for a few more years. My laundry is not dirty anymore because I went to Jesus’ feet and asked, no begged his forgiveness and HE gave it to me. I have not been able to share this for many years because of the anger from many who believe abortion is wrong. Please do not misunderstand me I FULLY AGREE…..ABORTION IS WRONG! No one could shoot bullets at me better than I could shoot bullets at myself. I still see myself as a murderer, worse I murdered my own children. God has chastised me but he has also forgiven me.
This of course is a generalization, and of course I have looked at others from a point of judgment, how they could do that, what they are thinking, that kind of behavior will send them to damnation. I experienced freedom through a post abortion study at the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, freedom to speak, not about me but about what God has done in my life; about God’s ability and, desire to clean up a life heading to damnation. I am now assisting at this crisis pregnancy center. I put myself in each person’s shoes I come into contact with, knowing there is hope and I am not better than them because of my salvation but desiring the same freedom for them. I am now living abundantly because God has granted me the opportunity to reach young women and men before they make a choice that will change their lives, but also to offer compassion to one who has already made a choice they cannot change.
As we seek to get the message out, that abortion is wrong. Let us remember Christ did not come to seek those that are well but those who are sick, those who are lost. How can we reach them, by our love? By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." This “one another” means all God’s people. We must speak the truth in love or we risk being just like the Pharisees and helping someone to fiery eternity because they did not see or feel our love for them. Let, therefore brothers and sisters in Christ speak the truth but always in love. The book of Hebrews, tell us that Christ is the better choice, better priest, better example; he has allowed us the opportunity to reach us for eternity during times of great crisis. We can look again at the verses above; his example was love and forgiveness. The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center strives to provide that atmosphere of love and safety and no condemnation and I am a testament to that. May God Bless You All!
Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 37When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house; she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, and she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.
39When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner." THE FIRING SQUAD
40Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you."
"Tell me, teacher," he said.
41"Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,[d] and the other fifty. 42Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?"
43Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled."
"You have judged correctly," Jesus said.
44Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet.
47Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."
I choose these words and this verse to give you a picture of my life. I am a wife and mother; I have been saved for many years in my life. I have been on staff at a few churches, I have taught Sunday school, I have instructed teens on right living and led small groups, I have been in the choir, and in other words I have been very involved in my church and the spreading of God’s word. But there is something else; you see I have been that woman in the verses above. I had committed many sins and would not allow anyone to know my sins because I was afraid of the firing squad. Remember I am actively involved in the church, I am accepted but I felt the same way the woman above felt. I felt small, I felt unworthy, I felt condemned, and I felt I had no voice. You see I was not able to have a “life more abundantly” because I was afraid.
You see I was afraid of judgment from the church just as the Pharisee (remember Pharisee’s were the leaders in the church) in the verses above was ready and did condemn the woman. "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner."
I am a sinner, but a sinner forgiven just like the woman in the verses above. You see my dirty laundry was that I had had not one but two abortions during my teenage years and because of that made many more mistakes/ sins for a few more years. My laundry is not dirty anymore because I went to Jesus’ feet and asked, no begged his forgiveness and HE gave it to me. I have not been able to share this for many years because of the anger from many who believe abortion is wrong. Please do not misunderstand me I FULLY AGREE…..ABORTION IS WRONG! No one could shoot bullets at me better than I could shoot bullets at myself. I still see myself as a murderer, worse I murdered my own children. God has chastised me but he has also forgiven me.
This of course is a generalization, and of course I have looked at others from a point of judgment, how they could do that, what they are thinking, that kind of behavior will send them to damnation. I experienced freedom through a post abortion study at the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, freedom to speak, not about me but about what God has done in my life; about God’s ability and, desire to clean up a life heading to damnation. I am now assisting at this crisis pregnancy center. I put myself in each person’s shoes I come into contact with, knowing there is hope and I am not better than them because of my salvation but desiring the same freedom for them. I am now living abundantly because God has granted me the opportunity to reach young women and men before they make a choice that will change their lives, but also to offer compassion to one who has already made a choice they cannot change.
As we seek to get the message out, that abortion is wrong. Let us remember Christ did not come to seek those that are well but those who are sick, those who are lost. How can we reach them, by our love? By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." This “one another” means all God’s people. We must speak the truth in love or we risk being just like the Pharisees and helping someone to fiery eternity because they did not see or feel our love for them. Let, therefore brothers and sisters in Christ speak the truth but always in love. The book of Hebrews, tell us that Christ is the better choice, better priest, better example; he has allowed us the opportunity to reach us for eternity during times of great crisis. We can look again at the verses above; his example was love and forgiveness. The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center strives to provide that atmosphere of love and safety and no condemnation and I am a testament to that. May God Bless You All!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Supernaturally Natural and Naturally Supernatural!
Yesterday at the Refuel Conference we were challenged by many great men of God. There were so many great messages and words from God to myself. One that stood out for me was the Supernatural power that can only come from God. We receive this power through:
1. Prayer:- As we seek to do the will of God, we must first seek him. Matthew 6 tells us "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added". When we look at the life of Jesus, it was filled with prayer. Jesus prayed in season and out of season. Jesus was very deliberate in his prayer life, he took time out to commune with his father on a regular basis. Realizing that he had come to do the will of His Father and He could do nothing without him. By watching his example, his disciples desired this and asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. We can do nothing for god without prayer.
2. Be who we are:- Jim Cymbala and others noted this yesterday. We are called but we all have a specific calling. mine will look different than yours because God has made us all unique. Cymbala said that when he was called he desired to be a preacher but he knew that he was not. He could not figure how he could be used because he was not like Jerry Falwell; or he did not have the training that others had or he did not have the heritage or legacy that others had come from. He realized that he had to be who he was. "God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise." Once he embraced that he opened himself up and allowed God to work through him.
That is what it all is about, we are naught but filthy rags and we bring nothing to the table. God has the plan, he has the blueprints, he equips us. We are to be the vessel and allow him to fill us with his fire. Moses said he could not speak, Esther was afraid, Gideon was unsure, Samuel too young, we could go on but it is not about the man or woman but god's work and fire moving through them.
1. Prayer:- As we seek to do the will of God, we must first seek him. Matthew 6 tells us "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added". When we look at the life of Jesus, it was filled with prayer. Jesus prayed in season and out of season. Jesus was very deliberate in his prayer life, he took time out to commune with his father on a regular basis. Realizing that he had come to do the will of His Father and He could do nothing without him. By watching his example, his disciples desired this and asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. We can do nothing for god without prayer.
2. Be who we are:- Jim Cymbala and others noted this yesterday. We are called but we all have a specific calling. mine will look different than yours because God has made us all unique. Cymbala said that when he was called he desired to be a preacher but he knew that he was not. He could not figure how he could be used because he was not like Jerry Falwell; or he did not have the training that others had or he did not have the heritage or legacy that others had come from. He realized that he had to be who he was. "God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise." Once he embraced that he opened himself up and allowed God to work through him.
That is what it all is about, we are naught but filthy rags and we bring nothing to the table. God has the plan, he has the blueprints, he equips us. We are to be the vessel and allow him to fill us with his fire. Moses said he could not speak, Esther was afraid, Gideon was unsure, Samuel too young, we could go on but it is not about the man or woman but god's work and fire moving through them.
Friday, May 14, 2010
"David, wearing a linen ephod, dance before the LORD with all his might" (2Sam 6:14)
When I see this verse, I experience the unrivaled joy that David must have been feeling at that time. I am not dressed in a linen ephod, but figuratively I am. With my writings I am baring myself before my GOD and you, to demonstrate his glory, grace and abundant blessing to me. I cannot boast of anything because there is nothing I could have done in my life to bring me out of the mire clay that my life was in and the pit that was my life.
I am able to proclaim the joy of the LORD because of his mighty works. David experience the removal of the blessing of GOD because of DISOBEDIENCE and I likewise also experience this. This disobedience brings death and destruction and devastation. All of which I have lived through for many years. In the opposite way OBEDIENCE to God and HIS word and HIS will brings blessing, joy, awe. It brings freedom.
I am not just writing to air dirty laundry, I am PROCLAIMING THAT MY LAUNDRY IS CLEAN BECAUSE OF GOD!!!!AND NO ONE ELSE.
My great-grand mother always and I mean always told us "obedience is better than sacrifice" and I did not understand that as a child, I understand it now and wish that I had learnt the lesson earlier. I have felt more alive than I have ever felt in my life because of the freedom that only God can give. God has enabled me to minister to so many women in the last two weeks than in my whole life before this time. I am in awe at this. The one thing that I have always desired was to help others but was unable before I was holding one vestige of my life to myself and not allowing God to use it.
"Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is Holy"!
I am able to proclaim the joy of the LORD because of his mighty works. David experience the removal of the blessing of GOD because of DISOBEDIENCE and I likewise also experience this. This disobedience brings death and destruction and devastation. All of which I have lived through for many years. In the opposite way OBEDIENCE to God and HIS word and HIS will brings blessing, joy, awe. It brings freedom.
I am not just writing to air dirty laundry, I am PROCLAIMING THAT MY LAUNDRY IS CLEAN BECAUSE OF GOD!!!!AND NO ONE ELSE.
My great-grand mother always and I mean always told us "obedience is better than sacrifice" and I did not understand that as a child, I understand it now and wish that I had learnt the lesson earlier. I have felt more alive than I have ever felt in my life because of the freedom that only God can give. God has enabled me to minister to so many women in the last two weeks than in my whole life before this time. I am in awe at this. The one thing that I have always desired was to help others but was unable before I was holding one vestige of my life to myself and not allowing God to use it.
"Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is Holy"!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Taking a Walk Through the Past 3.....We need to know where we came from in order to appreciate where we are!
The day I met my husband to be was a normal one, like I said i needed by brakes fixed but, God had other plans. He knew before me that this was the man I would marry. Well, I was not looking for a husband and definitely not a man because of all that had gone on in my life. A relationship was not in the cards for me, I was trying to fix me. Well, I offered him my telephone number if he would assist me, I was in dire need. He took the number and told me that, "I had better be home when he called." Well, I thought to myself, "Who is he talking too?' and white boy at that, laying down orders. Umph, well guess what, I stayed home to see what would happen and HE called. We talked for awhile and decided to see each other another time.
He was the sweetest man I had ever met and never pressured me for anything. This man would call and ask if he could come by and always brought something he knew I liked. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. He really earned my trust and respect and I grew to love him. Unbeknown to me this love would be a pitfall for me, you see I had not finished healing and my relationship with Christ was not what it should have been. I put Jeff in the place God was suppose to be, I looked to him to fulfill all my needs and he could not.
This created problems in our marriage very early on, because I was not content. God blessed us with a beautiful daughter and I sought to pour love on her that I had never known. She flourished and made us both happy. Although for me happiness, contentment was elusive. Our marriage hit a bad spot in the road and we had a time of separation. We thought we were headed to divorce. During this time I made a huge mistake, of course because I was still looking for this love in all the wrong places. For me, this took me spiraling down a slope that nearly killed me. I became so depressed and suicidal that I could not get back on track.
Jeff asked me to come back home, but he did not know what I had done. I had to tell him. He forgave me, I could not forgive myself and did not think I was worthy to live. I tried to take my life. They admitted me to the hospital in a secure ward. While there, my pastor gave me some sermons to listen to and this change and melted something in me. I remember him talking about being tried and tested in the fire and coming out as pure gold. That's how I felt that I had been through the fires but was still alive.
They let me out of the hospital and I recommitted my life to Christ. I spent many weeks on the altar because I felt and knew there was an ocean to pour out to him. He cleanse me and made me whole. I began a life of transformation and got involved with my church helping in nay way possible. I sought to be a good wife and mother and be pleasing to God. He had entered my life and I knew I was a new creation, old things had passed away.
For many years I have served in the churches we have attended a having a heart for the people but there was still a block. Every time I got close to being truly effective, I would run. I remember one pastor saying to me that I was an answer to a ministry at the church, I ran so fast. I was employed at a Christian university and also at a church' youth group, and felt that things were not right. What I did not know was that I was allowing Satan's lies to become a stronghold and to take me off a path that God was calling me to. I allowed fear to dictate my steps.
Now since the Forgiven and Set Post-Abortion Bible study and the Breaking Free Bible Study I am no longer bound I am free. I know that God has been calling to help others who have gone done this part, to help others make the right choice, the choice for life and to teach purity and abstinence to young men and women. I am volunteering at the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center and helping watch as God's word reach others and change lives. When Jeff and I made a decision to come to Lynchburg Virginia become of the testimony and life of a man, Jerry Falwell Sr.; we thought it was just to study the Bible.
But God had a plan: "Seek ye first the kingdom and God and His righteousness and all other things will be added" That is the verse we made our move on and we are seeing God's hands in every step.
He was the sweetest man I had ever met and never pressured me for anything. This man would call and ask if he could come by and always brought something he knew I liked. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. He really earned my trust and respect and I grew to love him. Unbeknown to me this love would be a pitfall for me, you see I had not finished healing and my relationship with Christ was not what it should have been. I put Jeff in the place God was suppose to be, I looked to him to fulfill all my needs and he could not.
This created problems in our marriage very early on, because I was not content. God blessed us with a beautiful daughter and I sought to pour love on her that I had never known. She flourished and made us both happy. Although for me happiness, contentment was elusive. Our marriage hit a bad spot in the road and we had a time of separation. We thought we were headed to divorce. During this time I made a huge mistake, of course because I was still looking for this love in all the wrong places. For me, this took me spiraling down a slope that nearly killed me. I became so depressed and suicidal that I could not get back on track.
Jeff asked me to come back home, but he did not know what I had done. I had to tell him. He forgave me, I could not forgive myself and did not think I was worthy to live. I tried to take my life. They admitted me to the hospital in a secure ward. While there, my pastor gave me some sermons to listen to and this change and melted something in me. I remember him talking about being tried and tested in the fire and coming out as pure gold. That's how I felt that I had been through the fires but was still alive.
They let me out of the hospital and I recommitted my life to Christ. I spent many weeks on the altar because I felt and knew there was an ocean to pour out to him. He cleanse me and made me whole. I began a life of transformation and got involved with my church helping in nay way possible. I sought to be a good wife and mother and be pleasing to God. He had entered my life and I knew I was a new creation, old things had passed away.
For many years I have served in the churches we have attended a having a heart for the people but there was still a block. Every time I got close to being truly effective, I would run. I remember one pastor saying to me that I was an answer to a ministry at the church, I ran so fast. I was employed at a Christian university and also at a church' youth group, and felt that things were not right. What I did not know was that I was allowing Satan's lies to become a stronghold and to take me off a path that God was calling me to. I allowed fear to dictate my steps.
Now since the Forgiven and Set Post-Abortion Bible study and the Breaking Free Bible Study I am no longer bound I am free. I know that God has been calling to help others who have gone done this part, to help others make the right choice, the choice for life and to teach purity and abstinence to young men and women. I am volunteering at the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center and helping watch as God's word reach others and change lives. When Jeff and I made a decision to come to Lynchburg Virginia become of the testimony and life of a man, Jerry Falwell Sr.; we thought it was just to study the Bible.
But God had a plan: "Seek ye first the kingdom and God and His righteousness and all other things will be added" That is the verse we made our move on and we are seeing God's hands in every step.
Monday, May 10, 2010
A Day of mixed Feelings---
Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day! What a Blessing it is to celebrate this day with the ones you love. For me it was a day, filled with calls to my mother-in-law, sisters, and other family members to wish them a special day. Likewise I received many calls from my family and friends. We went to church as we normally do on any given Sunday. The service was phenomenal and one part of the worship stood out to me, when we sung the song, When I Don’t Know What To Do. This song is one of those songs that express what we all feel sometimes, but it could have been where you found yourself yesterday. Thinking about those that are with you and those that are with Christ in Heaven. When we do not know what to do, we could literally apply the words of this song as a balm to our minds and hearts because Christ knows what to do and he is waiting for us to call on Him. The words of this song are below and I believe poignant to any situations in our lives. Enjoy!
Here are the lyrics, and here is a link to iTunes to download it. For 99 cents, about the cost of a Snickers bar, you can receive a much sweeter blessing. This song wants to be played loud, by the way.
Lord I surrender all to
Your strong and faithful hand
In everything I will give thanks to You
I’ll just trust Your perfect plan
When I don’t know what to do
I’ll lift my hands
When I don’t know what to say
I’ll speak Your praise
When I don’t know where to go
I’ll run to Your throne
When I don’t know what to think
I’ll stand on Your truth
When I don’t know what to do
Lord I surrender all
Though I’ll never understand
All the mysteries around me
I’ll just trust your perfect plan
As I bow my knee
Send Your perfect peace
Send Your perfect peace, Lord
As I lift my hands
Let Your healing come
Let Your healing come to me
This song talks of worship in a new way, that expresses that we are nothing apart from Christ. That He is an intricate part of who we are and that he has all of the answers.
Blessings to all!
Here are the lyrics, and here is a link to iTunes to download it. For 99 cents, about the cost of a Snickers bar, you can receive a much sweeter blessing. This song wants to be played loud, by the way.
Lord I surrender all to
Your strong and faithful hand
In everything I will give thanks to You
I’ll just trust Your perfect plan
When I don’t know what to do
I’ll lift my hands
When I don’t know what to say
I’ll speak Your praise
When I don’t know where to go
I’ll run to Your throne
When I don’t know what to think
I’ll stand on Your truth
When I don’t know what to do
Lord I surrender all
Though I’ll never understand
All the mysteries around me
I’ll just trust your perfect plan
As I bow my knee
Send Your perfect peace
Send Your perfect peace, Lord
As I lift my hands
Let Your healing come
Let Your healing come to me
This song talks of worship in a new way, that expresses that we are nothing apart from Christ. That He is an intricate part of who we are and that he has all of the answers.
Blessings to all!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me!
Today, I just wanted to take a breath and give thanks to my almighty Father. Words cannot express the gratefulness I have and feel in him. In His word he has given us many promises and many of them I am beginning to take hold of again. This blog was started from a journey beginning with my 14 year old daughter pushing me to reach out to others and to help them. She felt that my testimony and life would be one that would encourage and help others; giving them hope. I was hesitant because I was afraid of what others would think and the scripture came to mind, "who am I trying to please, men or God." I took a leap and began training to help others at the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, helping others through and during their crisis situations.
This has been a blessing to me. During this time I have been taking the Beth Moore study, Breaking Free and a Post Abortion study; Forgiven and Set Free. Needless to say god has shown up and I have been given a freedom that I never expected. I am experiencing a joy that I did not know was possible. The words of Ephesians 4:20 resonate with me every day now, and God is doing a good thing.
In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable of the talent and of his servants. He chastises the one who has not done anything with the talent he gave. I have been that servant who has been disobedient. Not anymore. What God has done for me is priceless and I do not have enough years to serve Him and for Him to receive the glory!
My fellow believers, "He who has begun a good work in us will complete it!
Be encourage!
This has been a blessing to me. During this time I have been taking the Beth Moore study, Breaking Free and a Post Abortion study; Forgiven and Set Free. Needless to say god has shown up and I have been given a freedom that I never expected. I am experiencing a joy that I did not know was possible. The words of Ephesians 4:20 resonate with me every day now, and God is doing a good thing.
In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable of the talent and of his servants. He chastises the one who has not done anything with the talent he gave. I have been that servant who has been disobedient. Not anymore. What God has done for me is priceless and I do not have enough years to serve Him and for Him to receive the glory!
My fellow believers, "He who has begun a good work in us will complete it!
Be encourage!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Abortion by Lisa Brock
For some women, discovering they are expecting a child is one of the happiest moments of their lives. For others — especially those who aren't married and aren't ready to become parents — it seems like the beginning of a nightmare. If you are pregnant with a child you didn't plan to have, how do you make decisions about what is best for you and your unborn baby?
Research. Pregnancy directly affects your life and the life of your newly conceived child. Though you can easily see and feel the changes in your body, your child's development is more of a mystery. Even as he grows inside your body, your baby is a tiny person with feelings, behaviors and a personality. He can hear, taste, smell, hiccup and even suck his thumb. Find out from a doctor what he 's really like before you make decisions about his life.
Get some wise advice. Often caring parents and friends are good resources. Sometimes it's easier to talk with your pastor or someone at a pregnancy resource center. Whomever you decide to speak with, make sure it's someone who will help you consider all the moral and emotional aspects of the road you will choose. The hormones and extreme emotions of pregnancy make reasonable decisions more difficult. Don 't make your choice without the advice of someone you can trust to lead you down the best possible path.
Consider your own life. Spending nine months pregnant with a child you don't think you are prepared to parent can be difficult, but taking your unborn child 's life is a decision you can never reverse. Should you choose to terminate your pregnancy, you will likely suffer from guilt, remorse and grief, possibly for many years to come. In addition, abortion can cause medical complications that may make it impossible for you to become pregnant when you think you are ready to be a parent. You may be making a decision affecting not only this child, but also your future children.
Consider the life of your child. Expected or unexpected, every child deserves to be loved. Just like you, your unborn baby deserves a chance at a happy life. As you make a decision about what to do next, listen to your heart, like your baby does; he hears it beating all the time
Research. Pregnancy directly affects your life and the life of your newly conceived child. Though you can easily see and feel the changes in your body, your child's development is more of a mystery. Even as he grows inside your body, your baby is a tiny person with feelings, behaviors and a personality. He can hear, taste, smell, hiccup and even suck his thumb. Find out from a doctor what he 's really like before you make decisions about his life.
Get some wise advice. Often caring parents and friends are good resources. Sometimes it's easier to talk with your pastor or someone at a pregnancy resource center. Whomever you decide to speak with, make sure it's someone who will help you consider all the moral and emotional aspects of the road you will choose. The hormones and extreme emotions of pregnancy make reasonable decisions more difficult. Don 't make your choice without the advice of someone you can trust to lead you down the best possible path.
Consider your own life. Spending nine months pregnant with a child you don't think you are prepared to parent can be difficult, but taking your unborn child 's life is a decision you can never reverse. Should you choose to terminate your pregnancy, you will likely suffer from guilt, remorse and grief, possibly for many years to come. In addition, abortion can cause medical complications that may make it impossible for you to become pregnant when you think you are ready to be a parent. You may be making a decision affecting not only this child, but also your future children.
Consider the life of your child. Expected or unexpected, every child deserves to be loved. Just like you, your unborn baby deserves a chance at a happy life. As you make a decision about what to do next, listen to your heart, like your baby does; he hears it beating all the time
Taking a Walk Through the Past 2.....We need to know where we came from in order to appreciate where we are!
Waking up in that hospital, I began the lies that this had not happened. My family members that picked me believed that I had another operation done. I went to their home and pretended that nothing happened. A few eeks later my cousin gave birth to a baby boy and I fell in love with him. not only did I fall in love but I also fell in despair, the reality of what I had done took me spirally into a pit of despair that I found almost impossible to get out.
For months I tried to pretend that all was well but the force of my actions pummeled me daily. I got to the point that I would not speak and this lasted for months. When I did begin to speak it was as if I was a machine, some type of robot that was just moving through this world with no where to go. There was a constant haze. This is when I went to my parents ans ask if I could come back home. My father said no; He had not asked me to leave before so I needed to accept my choices. That night I called my priest and at the same time took pills from the cupboard and tried to kill myself, for what would be the first of many attempts. I was found by his nephew and was taken to the hospital. Again after this I fell into a depression that was immense and I could not shake. I was in counselling for along time but it only helped so much. Even as I try to tell you about this time it is not all clear.
I do remember leaving my job. I also left that town for a small amount of time. Upon returning I got another job at the Telecommunications company. I seemed to be doing well and had an apartment that I shared with roommates. Unfortunately, someone who knew me told WB, the father of my aborted baby that I was back in town. He tracked me down and took advantage of me. I was pregnant again; and found myself right back at the beginning of my nightmare. I walked into the hospital, not thinking, not feeling and maybe not even breathing. If I thought about it too much or too long, who knows what would have happened. We know what happened. I committed another murder. I pushed this one and everything else so far down and in the back of my mind. I tried to live as if nothing had ever happened.
Of course this was not possible as, truth will always surface. I lived my life but it was not one of joy. I was just going through the motions. I would bury myself in work and then come home, read books and sleep or would go out with my cousin and party. I did not want anything to do with the opposite sex. I began to read my bible a little but very little. A few years later, I met my husband to be, while trying to purchase some brakes for my car.
For months I tried to pretend that all was well but the force of my actions pummeled me daily. I got to the point that I would not speak and this lasted for months. When I did begin to speak it was as if I was a machine, some type of robot that was just moving through this world with no where to go. There was a constant haze. This is when I went to my parents ans ask if I could come back home. My father said no; He had not asked me to leave before so I needed to accept my choices. That night I called my priest and at the same time took pills from the cupboard and tried to kill myself, for what would be the first of many attempts. I was found by his nephew and was taken to the hospital. Again after this I fell into a depression that was immense and I could not shake. I was in counselling for along time but it only helped so much. Even as I try to tell you about this time it is not all clear.
I do remember leaving my job. I also left that town for a small amount of time. Upon returning I got another job at the Telecommunications company. I seemed to be doing well and had an apartment that I shared with roommates. Unfortunately, someone who knew me told WB, the father of my aborted baby that I was back in town. He tracked me down and took advantage of me. I was pregnant again; and found myself right back at the beginning of my nightmare. I walked into the hospital, not thinking, not feeling and maybe not even breathing. If I thought about it too much or too long, who knows what would have happened. We know what happened. I committed another murder. I pushed this one and everything else so far down and in the back of my mind. I tried to live as if nothing had ever happened.
Of course this was not possible as, truth will always surface. I lived my life but it was not one of joy. I was just going through the motions. I would bury myself in work and then come home, read books and sleep or would go out with my cousin and party. I did not want anything to do with the opposite sex. I began to read my bible a little but very little. A few years later, I met my husband to be, while trying to purchase some brakes for my car.
Friday, April 30, 2010
A Look at the Present
Today as I sit in front of my computer, I am amazed at God's grace and blessing. We just finished the Post Abortion Bible study and it has been miraculous in my life. I know the other ladies have experienced the same thing as I have. Wednesday night we had the opportunity to film an edition of the TV show "Sound the Alarm" a few us got together and told others about our stories and how God has helped us in out journey to freedom. Our prayer is that we can reach others in their walks and struggles to see that god's grace is available to them too.
In my own home, we have been having struggles and one of the things that has resonated with me, has been forgiveness. To forgive others as Jesus has forgiven me. Please join us on Monday the 3rd and the 10th, Comcast 7 at 8.30pm and watch the program and invite others to view it also. We pray it be a blessing to all that view it.
Thank you and God Bless!
In my own home, we have been having struggles and one of the things that has resonated with me, has been forgiveness. To forgive others as Jesus has forgiven me. Please join us on Monday the 3rd and the 10th, Comcast 7 at 8.30pm and watch the program and invite others to view it also. We pray it be a blessing to all that view it.
Thank you and God Bless!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Taking a Walk Through the Past.....We need to know where we came from in order to appreciate where we are!
Jesus says to the woman as he did to me, "Thy sins are forgiven." First of all we all need to be forgiven are sins, but their were others in the room who knew this woman and they said her sins were many.
She did not arrive at this place accidentally or rapidly. I begin to look back at my own life and knew for certain it was not a quick descent.I grew up in a two parent home, both hard working parents. Went to good a private school, was very involved athletically and had a good rapport with my teachers and fellow classmates. We attended church regularly and I was involved in my churches youth group, very involved. I went to an Anglican church and was also involved with the choir and most of my activities center around the church.
At around 15years old,a group came to our church called the Cursillo movement and spoke about having a relationship with this man called Jesus. I remember surrendering myself to his calling in my life and vowed to follow him wherever he may lead me. There were many of us and so we began having Bible study together and we grew strong together. As time wore on, many of us grew apart and started college and marriage and work and we did not put in as much time together sharpening each other as before.
I found myself floundering and did not know where to turn. I was always the girl that everyone liked but I did not feel attractive and did not feel as if I got approval from home. As I worked I began to attract attention from the opposite sex and not having been use to this, sucked it up like a sponge. Unfortunately for me, Satan knew the weapons to use and the lies to fill my head with, and I soon fell to these lies. I had never been educated on relationships with the opposite sex and had had no experience. No one had ever told me what true love look like or even was. The only thing that had resembled it was an incident with a family member that molested me but, I had never told anyone about it because I did not know I should have told.
I fell for this man that I met at work, thinking he would give me everything I had been looking for; LOVE. I did not find it. He was nice and never mistreated me but there was something missing. I had also not been spending time with God or my scriptures.
I became pregnant. I did not know what to do. I could never tell my parents about this. I did not want to or did I, tell the father of the baby about it. I went to the doctor and he confirmed what I knew. He asked about an abortion and I said yes. I said yes because I did not want to disappoint my parents, and I did not know what else to do.
I went to the hospital and the procedure was done. I woke up in the recovery room of the hospital. The deceptions began and the lies of Satan intensified.
"For I know that in me dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me: but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do" Romans 7:18-19
She did not arrive at this place accidentally or rapidly. I begin to look back at my own life and knew for certain it was not a quick descent.I grew up in a two parent home, both hard working parents. Went to good a private school, was very involved athletically and had a good rapport with my teachers and fellow classmates. We attended church regularly and I was involved in my churches youth group, very involved. I went to an Anglican church and was also involved with the choir and most of my activities center around the church.
At around 15years old,a group came to our church called the Cursillo movement and spoke about having a relationship with this man called Jesus. I remember surrendering myself to his calling in my life and vowed to follow him wherever he may lead me. There were many of us and so we began having Bible study together and we grew strong together. As time wore on, many of us grew apart and started college and marriage and work and we did not put in as much time together sharpening each other as before.
I found myself floundering and did not know where to turn. I was always the girl that everyone liked but I did not feel attractive and did not feel as if I got approval from home. As I worked I began to attract attention from the opposite sex and not having been use to this, sucked it up like a sponge. Unfortunately for me, Satan knew the weapons to use and the lies to fill my head with, and I soon fell to these lies. I had never been educated on relationships with the opposite sex and had had no experience. No one had ever told me what true love look like or even was. The only thing that had resembled it was an incident with a family member that molested me but, I had never told anyone about it because I did not know I should have told.
I fell for this man that I met at work, thinking he would give me everything I had been looking for; LOVE. I did not find it. He was nice and never mistreated me but there was something missing. I had also not been spending time with God or my scriptures.
I became pregnant. I did not know what to do. I could never tell my parents about this. I did not want to or did I, tell the father of the baby about it. I went to the doctor and he confirmed what I knew. He asked about an abortion and I said yes. I said yes because I did not want to disappoint my parents, and I did not know what else to do.
I went to the hospital and the procedure was done. I woke up in the recovery room of the hospital. The deceptions began and the lies of Satan intensified.
"For I know that in me dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me: but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do" Romans 7:18-19
Monday, April 26, 2010
Here I Go!
Today, I take a step in a new that I have no idea where it will lead but one that has been prompted by the Holy Spirit. You see, I am a woman who has had an abortion, not just one but two. I have lived with the guilt and pain of those choices for most of my life now and know and feel that it time to share my story with you. Maybe the things that I share with you will help you in some way. You may be facing a crisis pregnancy and do not know what to do, you may have stumbled across this blog, trying to find out why women make this choice...who knows what your story is, you are not here by mistake. It is definitely a divine appointment.
I will begin with telling you a little about myself. I am a mother of three children that God choose to give me, through my own selfishness, ignorance and my desire to please my flesh and pride, I choose to murder two of my babies. Yes, I said murder because that is what it is and was. I choose to take the life of my babies. Believe me to admit this is just as hard, harder than anything that I have had to admit in my life. I have had to come to the reality that this is what I did.
I have lived with this in silence for many years and it has almost killed me. The shame, the guilt, the fear, the pride. There were many days I did not think I was worthy to live but through God's grace and forgiveness I realized the lies. This blog is a step to accept the truth of God's word, that he has forgiven me and I just need to grab hold of that.
Join me as I take this journey back to the past and present and the future with you. I will use the example of the woman found in the Gospel of Luke as a jumping of point , painting my story and interweaving it with hers. Please forgive me if I may be a little blunt but there is only one way I know and that is Truth. "The truth will st you FREE"
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I pray it be a blessing to you!
I will begin with telling you a little about myself. I am a mother of three children that God choose to give me, through my own selfishness, ignorance and my desire to please my flesh and pride, I choose to murder two of my babies. Yes, I said murder because that is what it is and was. I choose to take the life of my babies. Believe me to admit this is just as hard, harder than anything that I have had to admit in my life. I have had to come to the reality that this is what I did.
I have lived with this in silence for many years and it has almost killed me. The shame, the guilt, the fear, the pride. There were many days I did not think I was worthy to live but through God's grace and forgiveness I realized the lies. This blog is a step to accept the truth of God's word, that he has forgiven me and I just need to grab hold of that.
Join me as I take this journey back to the past and present and the future with you. I will use the example of the woman found in the Gospel of Luke as a jumping of point , painting my story and interweaving it with hers. Please forgive me if I may be a little blunt but there is only one way I know and that is Truth. "The truth will st you FREE"
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I pray it be a blessing to you!
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The Glimpses of Post Abortive Women - A series of real life stories from woman who have faced the traumas of abortion in the Bahamas
Let me tell you my story. It was the 1980's. The height of drug culture in the Bahamas. I was naive and lost. I was 18.... I had a...

Have you ever walked into an unexpected blessing? A word, a gesture from someone, something unexpected. Something that creates in you a j...
For some women, discovering they are expecting a child is one of the happiest moments of their lives. For others — especially those who aren...
Let me tell you my story. It was the 1980's. The height of drug culture in the Bahamas. I was naive and lost. I was 18.... I had a...