Matthew 16:15 speaks about going into the world and preaching the gospel to all of creation. I Am A Witness of the power of the Gospel to save lives, to redeem what was lost and the immeasurable grace available to those who choose to follow and accept Christ as their Savior. My personal story speaks of all these things but there is so much more. Come with me on this journey as I share my insights with you! May you be blessed!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
My Anchor Holds!
Joy and pain!
This morning I awoke with a pain, a searing scorching pain on my heart, so many tears in my eyes and my body racked with hurt. I was about to just lose it and to just give in to it and just grieve and my spirit whispered, pray!!. So I started to mouth words just pray, pray, pray.......As I sat to pray, I remembered a notification on my phone from a friend this morning, it was this verse!
I remember sending this verse to someone this week and they said to me, I believe that but what I am experiencing right now, can't be God's plans. How many times do we as believers feel this way, what does it drive us to. Sometimes retaliation to the person who wronged us, anger, excruciating pain......for me all of this in a situation perpetrated against me and my own. What do I do? I run to the rock. I know just like Hagar, He sees, He knows! But the pain lingers, it creeps it's way in every so often.
Can I tell you, spiritual war is no joke! Joseph felt it in the pit! David daughter felt it at the hands of her brother! Bethsheba felt it at David's hands! There are so many.....I have felt it so many times in my life. It is worse when the harm is against your family.
But, I told a friend this week, what the devil meant for harm God will make good!!! In the front lines of a battle sometimes you lose some things but Blessed Be the Name of the Lord.
Pray for your brothers and sisters sitting next to you in the road of life. But pray especially for those in the forefront of the battle of good and evil. They really need your prayers. Don't be like Job's friends and His wife. How can we not take good and bad, if we trust in Him! By the end of this post, my spirit is renewed, filled and my mind is refreshed! My strength comes from the Lord! I pray for you today that this will be your truth. That you have the rock of God's love to hold on to in the midst of the storms.
This ship may be battered but the anchor holds!!! My anchor holds!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
This verse came to light to me in the year 2000, my husband had been crushed between two cars. We thought he would never walk again, he was in the hospital for months on end. He had eighteen surgeries on one leg, not counting the other. The aftercare was intense because he was still on a wheelchair. Our little girl and I would trek to the hospital daily. I was studying the book of Job before and at the beginning of the accident, I had asked God to believe in me like He believed in Job. Little did I know what that would look like! After the accident our Thursday women's group was studying the book of James and this resonated in my heart. Joy, I was able to find.... There has been many things that have come sense that but my fall safe is to consider it joy! He gives me peace in the midst of the storms because I know who controls the winds. Persecuted but not abandoned! Let joy reign in your heart and you will have peace! His words are true! I can testify! I have tasted and it is good!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Do you bring Him Glory?
All things belong to Him.... My brothers and sisters, those of you that claim Him as Savior, do these words ring out to you? That in all things we are to bring Him glory. Do you spend each day determining in every moment to bring God glory. Sometimes we falter but He is always waiting, waiting to restore us. Where can you go, that God is not there? No, where! What can you do that God does not know? Nothing! What can you say that God cannot hear! Nothing.... He knows all!
When I was a little girl, my father was such a disciplinarian that when my sister and I did something that we were not supposed to do, everyone would say, wait till your dad comes, I am going to tell him. Remember, a few days ago, I spoke about fear. Well, can I tell you that filled me with fear. And you know what that fear produced? Lies... Somehow it was not translated that daddy brought love, even though I knew he loved us, I only saw discipline and do I bring afraid would lie and can I tell you, it did not make the situation better. I remember hearing the clink of the belt buckle as it hit the metal rod in the closet..... Oh my! I was crying before he even returned!!
My relationship with God is not like that! I realized that I do not have to lie to Him, to others about anything... You see He orders our steps. He is God! So I strive to bring Him glory. His love transcends anything and everything. He is everything, creator, sustainer, deliverer, Father! Our desire should be to bring Him glory in all that we do!
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